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OFFICIAL RULES (Arizona Shuffleboard Association, Inc.  

Organized August 10, 1963 (Revised Dec 2019)






A-1  The game of shuffleboard is played by either two (2) persons, called SINGLES, or by four (4) persons, called DOUBLES. 


A-2  The object of the game to propel discs by means of a cue onto or near the scoring diagram at the opposite end of the court to score, prevent opponent from scoring, or both. 




B-1  One end of the court shall be designated the head; the opposite end the foot. All games shall start at the head where the scoreboard is located. 




C-1  Eight six-inch diameter discs are used for each court. Four are yellow, four are black. 

C-2  The cue shall not exceed six feet and three inches, (6"3") overall length 

C-3  An approved scoreboard shall be located at the head of the court. 




D-1  Players are assigned their respective courts as posted on tournament charts or as assigned by league team captains. Players may not repeat play positions during same sanctioned tournament, unless there is no alternative. Color of discs played will be in accordance with league rules or determined by lagging. 


D-1a LAGGING:  To determine color choices, team captains will select a player to lag from the head of a neutral court. Toss of coin by the Referee will determine color choice to start lagging. In tournaments, player listed first on the scoreboard will lag the yellow discs. In DOUBLES a player from the head or foot may lag but must lag at the head. In SINGLES, all players lag. Players shoot alternately--first yellow, then black. The first disc of each player is for practice and may be removed. The second disc of each player is left on the court. The disc whose center is closest to the center of the far lag line wins, and its shooter has color choice. If the second black disc hits the yellow disc, yellow wins color choice. Players have the right to examine and/or appeal any close decision on the last disc. 


D-1b  After lagging, the Referee shall start the practice round. Yellow shoots his/her four discs, which are removed before black shoots his/her four discs. The same is done at the foot of the court. Following the practice  the Referee calls "Yellow is Out" and play begins the head. After completion of ½ of the total number of frames in the game, players  2 change sides and take their colors with them, practice 4 shots each on their new side, and the game continues until the last half of the total game frames are completed. 


D-2  All Singles games shall be non-walking. If only one end of the court is being used, a designated pusher returns discs after each frame of play is completed. 


D-3  Color lead shall alternate after each frame of play. ERROR IN COLOR LEAD. If discovered before all eight discs are shot, return discs and start again with correct color. Otherwise, score is recorded and game continues with correct color lead. 


D-4  A game consists of either twelve or sixteen frames. The player or team having the highest score at the end of the game is the winner. In tournament play the loser is eliminated or goes to the consolation bracket, if applicable. All District qualifications to the State Finals and all State Finals will consist of 16-frame games. 


D-5 DEAD DISCS:  The Referee shall remove dead discs from the court. A disc that stops between the start line and the far lag line is a dead disc. A disc that leaves the court or goes beyond the furthest base line is a dead disc. A disc that returns to, or remains on the playing area after having struck any object outside the playing area, or comes from another court, is a dead disc. If a dead disc(s) displaces a live disc(s), the live disc(s) is replaced to its original position and the game continues, except if all eight discs have been shot, then the scores that were on the court before the incident will be recorded and the half frame is not replayed. 




If (3) three players cannot agree to the replacement of the disc(s), the half frame will be played over, unless all eight discs have been shot, then the scores that were on the court before the incident will be recorded. 


D-6  Players should try to keep their discs within their own starting area which is defined by the nearest sideline, the 7/kitchen line, the kitchen back tion must not touch any starting area line or triangle and is considered in play when it completely leaves the starting area propelled by a cue. A shot disc in motion may cross a forward or side starting area line or triangle and must be delivered in a straight line with a smooth, continuous forward motion of both cue and disc. A disc being jockeyed to test shooting positions may touch and cross starting area lines. 




E-1  Scoring Diagram ± one 10-point area, two 8-point areas, two 7-point areas and one minus 10-point area, which is called the "Kitchen" 


E-2  After the completion of each half frame the Referee shall call the score loud enough to be heard by all the players and the Scorekeeper.


When there are both yellow and black scoring discs, he/she shall always call the yellow disc first. If only one color has scored, it alone is called.   If  neither has scored the referee shall call "No Score".  The Scorekeeper shall repeat the score and record it clearly on the scoreboard. The Referee continually checks the scoreboard as he/she is responsible to see that it is correct. 


E-3  If an error is discovered on the scoreboard before the next half frame is completed, it must be corrected. Otherwise the score stands unless both sides agree that it be corrected, except that if it is an error in addition, it shall be corrected immediately and without discussion. 


E-4  Should there be a tied score after completion of the specified number of game frames, in both singles and doubles competition, play is continued as follows: First overtime frame- Yellow - Out from the black side yellow hammer from yellow side. Second overtime frame- Black "

Out"  black side yellow hammer from the yellow side. If the score is still tied, play continues as noted above until the tie is broken. Each player will have equal number of hammer shots. No practice shots are allowed in overtime unless permitted under Rule I-3 or I-4. 


E-5  Upon completion of the game, the Scorekeeper shall record the final results on the scoreboard and scorecard, making sure the winner signs the card, and turns over the card to the head scorekeeper or other tournament official or, if so directed by the tournament director, leaves the card on the scoreboard. 




F-1  The Referee shall watch closely as each disc is shot. Any disc in the scoring diagram and not touching a line is a "good" disc. The Referee will point his/her wand at each good disc and extend one finger for each one.


He/she will indicate a disc is in the "Kitchen" by giving the wand a circular motion. If none of the discs are good, he/she will so indicate with a palm down and waving. If a disc is very close to a line, the Referee will stop play by placing his/her wand on the court near the lag line and extend himself/herself over the disc to examine it by looking straight down the far edge.


If the Referee or any player touches or moves a live disc, the disc will be returned to its position before being touched. If at least three players on that board cannot agree on the original position of the disc, the half frame shall be replayed. If all eight discs have been shot, the touched disc(s) will be recorded as if it had not been touched and the half frame is not replayed.


After indicating his/her decision he/she should wait momentarily to allow a player time for a request to examine the disc. Any such request will be allowed if made before the next disc is shot or "play" called. In Singles either the shooter or his/her opponent may request and then examine a disc.


In Doubles, any of the four players may request but only the partner nearest the disc shall examine the disputed disc. On request, the Referee may permit the requesting player to examine the disc. If a player disagrees with the Referee's decision, the Referee calls for the Head Referee, telling only which disc is in question. The Head Referee may use a magnifying glass. His decision is final and may not be appealed. 


F-2  All live discs which are on the court at the time the score is called at the end of a frame shall continue to be live discs and may not be touched by the Referee or any player until the Referee has called "play" for the start of the next frame.  At call to "play" all the discs become dead and may be gathered without penalty. The Referee should not call "play" until after allowing players reasonable time to request to look at the 8th disc or any disc moved by the 8th disc.




G-1  Players may examine close discs as noted in F±1 and F±2 above. A player may, just before shooting, ask the Referee which of two or more discs are good, or the approximate distance in inches of any disc from a line or another disc. The player is not allowed to walk down to examine these discs. 


G-2  A player may ask the Referee to tell him/her the current score at any time. 


G-3  A player or team may protest any one or more Officials assigned to their court provided such protest is made to the Head Referee for a legitimate reason. (Note: Head Referee must replace an excused official and this new appointment must stand). 


G-4  Players may not appeal action rule infractions, such as shooting too soon, etc., assuming the Head Referee did not see the infraction and cannot therefore rule on it. If a player is penalized for an infraction not listed in Section J (Penalties), he may appeal to the Head Referee. 


G-5  A player dissatisfied with decisions of the Referee or Head Referee may appeal to the Tournament Director immediately. (Appeal must be other than a close disc or action rule infraction).


G-6  If a player while shooting is distracted or interfered with by his opponent, he/she should ask his/her opponent to desist. If the interference continues, he/she may protest to the Referee. If justified, the Referee should instruct the offender to cease his interference. Any further interference should cause the offender to be penalized. See J-3. 


G-7 SUBSTITUTES:  In case of emergency or physical disability of one player in Doubles, a substitute player may take up play at any time during the playing of a game providing the replacement has not played in a previous game in the tournament or is not scheduled to play in an upcoming game. Disabled players cannot return.


The Tournament Director determines the legality of the substitute. The illegal substitution PENALTY IS FORFEITURE OF MATCH. 




H-1 Officials in tournament play shall be Tournament Director and Charter, Assistants to the Tournament Director, and court referees (if utilized). 


H-2 The Tournament Director shall have complete charge of all arrangements for the tournament, including naming a Charter who usually conducts the drawing and maintains the charts as tournament play progresses, scheduling, assigning other officials, and make decisions on all other matters which may impact Tournament play. 


H-3 Assistants to the Tournament Director including Head Referees may be appointed as desired by the Tournament Director. They may be empowered to render final decisions on any question of fact with no appeal. 


H-4 The Head Scorekeeper assigns Scorekeepers (if utilized) to courts, collects scorecards, and checks their accuracy. If scorekeepers are not appointed, Yellow will keep score the first half of the game and Black will keep score the second half. 


H-5 Referees are assigned to courts by the Head Referee. They have complete charge of play on their court and are responsible for accurate scorekeeping. Using a wand, they will indicate discs which are scoring, remove dead discs, stop play, and indicate which color is out by carrying the proper wand color down.


He/she shall watch to see players play according to the rules and shall assess penalties for infractions. If no referees are assigned, players will referee their own games. Black will referee the first half of the game and Yellow will referee the second half 


All District, Regional, and State sanctioned tournaments must be approved and conducted in accordance with the information outlined in these "Official Rules". 




All District, Regional, and State sanctioned tournaments must be approved and conducted in accordance with the information outlined in these "Official Rules". 




If weather or any other occurrence forces play to stop, it is not necessary that the half frame be completed. Scorekeepers will record scores and color lead of last completed frame. The Tournament Director has sole jurisdiction regarding resuming play and will keep players informed. On resuming play each player is allowed four practice shots. Play resumes at score and color lead at beginning of half frame when play stopped. 




I-1 No waxing allowed during initial practice shots. After practice shots but before play begins, any one player may request additional wax be applied with the shaker to all or part of the court. Afterwards, each player is allowed an additional practice shot.  6 


I-2 After completion of ½ of the game frames, a full or partial re-wax with the shaker may be applied at the request of any one player. If 3 or more players request a full clean and re-wax, it shall be done, providing wind wax is not being used. If wind wax, either commercial or any other mixture, is used, it will not be removed unless all 4 players on the court agree that the court is not playable and an appeal is made to the Tournament Director who makes the final decision. 


I-3 During play, additional shaker wax to all or part of the court for the purpose of increasing disc speed will be done only if requested by 3 or more players. It will be applied before the beginning of the next half frame. Each player is allowed one practice shot. 


I-4 Wind gusts, cue tracks, or discs being moved about may cause small areas to become bare. Any player may request spot waxing of these bare spots. This spot waxing will be applied just before the requesting player shooting turn. Only the bare areas should receive wax. The Referee will be the sole judge as to the extent of the area that should receive wax and the amount of wax to replace the displaced wax. 




J-1 A penalty of 10 points is assessed if the originating position of a shot disc is not in the defined starting area or the disc is not delivered by the cue in a straight line and in a continuous forward motion (see D-6). The offender's disc and all displaced discs are removed.  Opponent is credited with any of his counting discs removed and the offender is debited if his disc is displaced from the "Kitchen". Play continues.


J-2 If a player shoots before the Referee has called the previous disc -penalty is 10 points and the offender's  disc and all displaced discs are removed. Opponent is credited with any of his counting discs removed and the offender is debited if his disc is displaced from the "Kitchen". Play continues. 


J-3 Players must not by words or actions disconcert or interfere with their opponents when they are shooting discs. If the interference continues following the opponent's protest, and a warning from the Referee - Penalty is 10 points. 


J-4 Remarks or motions by a player at one end of the court to a player shooting a disc at the other end which in the opinion of the Referee constitutes Coaching shall result in the Referee penalizing the person doing the coaching 10 points. In doubles, players may converse with one another between the first and second halves of the game. This does not constitute coaching. 


J-5 For intentional delay or stalling, or any improper words or actions designated to harass, irritate, insult or belittle an Official, Penalty is 10 points. 7 


J-6 If a player makes an appeal to the Tournament Director which is considered frivolous, argumentative, and without merit, or for any other improper actions by a player not otherwise listed herein, the Tournament Director has the authority to penalize the offender 10 points. 


J-7 During a game the Referee may see that a player has left the playing area, is standing when he/she should be sitting, is stepping over the base line, is doing other things judged to be improper, or is lacking in good manners or sportsmanship. While these actions do not warrant penalties, it is quite proper for the Referee to caution the offender. 


J-8 All players when not shooting should carry their cues upright and stand well clear of their opponent and players shooting on adjoining courts. If a player while shooting is interfered with in any way and his/her disc does not reach the far lag line, it will be replayed. 


J-9 ASSESSING PENALTIES. Upon observing a violation of the rules, the Referee should immediately lay his wand on the court near the lag line to stop play. He should then inform the offender about the violation and then, without argument or discussion, instruct the Scorekeeper to record 10 points off the offender's score, and if applicable, the number of points to be added to the score of the offender's opponent. 


J-10 If court Referees are not assigned, no penalties shall be assessed unless the Head Referee observes the rule infraction. Except for the calling of penalties, the term "Referee" and "Player/Referee" may be interchangeable. 


INDEX OF VIOLATIONS                                                        


All Penalties are 10 points.


J-1 Played disc's originating position out of starting area or delivered improperly.


J-2 Shooting too soon.


J-3 Disconcerting or interfering with opponent. 


J-4 Coaching. 


J-5 Stalling, harassing an official. 


J-6 Improper appeal or action. (By Tournament Director)



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